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strategic plan


Our Mission drives our decision-making as we plan for the future of TxAHEA. 
"TxAHEA strives to create an environment that supports open and effective communication among its members. We provide resources, networking, and professional development to enhance the quality, effectiveness, and scholarship of assessment and accreditation practices at institutions of higher education."

strategic goals

1) Build capacity in our membership.
2) Cultivate a collaborative, professional community.
3) Increase resources and scholarship in the field.
4) Develop TxAHEA as a viable organization.
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1) Provide professional development pathways for membership.   
2) Develop mechanisms that connect members with career opportunities in the field.
3) Create mini-grants that enhance and support the advancement of the profession.​
1) Integrate new opportunities to convene as a membership beyond the annual conference that support individual and group collaboration.
2) Grow the annual conference offerings in ways that promote collaboration and professionalism.
3) Support collaborations with other associations/organizations.
1) Provide professional development opportunities to help professionals to increase scholarship.
2) Increase the availability of resources on the TxAHEA website.
3) Promote publishing opportunities.
4) Integrate a scholarship track into the annual conference.
1) Support intentional recruitment and engagement of members.
2) Create and implement the TxAHEA strategic plan.
3) Implement processes outlined in the TxAHEA Bylaws.
4) Develop accounting processes and procedures that support a financially sound organization.
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